And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With odd old ends stol'n out of holy writ;
And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.
- "Richard III," Shakespeare
Predictably, Obama rolled another yet another of his Martin Luther King gospel speeches designed to mesmerize his dwindling supporters and admirers. But beneath the cloud of rhapsodic rhetoric carefully orchestrated to deflect attention from the facts is the same web of insidious lies and deception that has characterized his Presidency since he took office.
Aside from the colossal failure know as "Obamacare," I love the way Obama avoids reviewing the facts that matter. For instance, I must have missed this part, but total Treasury debt issued since he took office has increased by 70% from $10 trillion to $17 trillion. And it's about to go up again. Debt to GDP soared from below 100% to well over 100%. And that's using the rigged GDP numbers vomited out to us by the Obama Government. This is a State of the Union that mathematically can not persist and will result in a complete economic catastrophe for the middle class (middle class = anyone not rich enough to buy their own politician, means roughly 99.9% of the population).
How about persistent and growing long term joblessness? This is the segment that has been out of work for a couple years and has given up looking. These people are are not even counted as part of the labor force. Here's what that looks like:
(click on graph to enlarge)
This shows the number of people who have dropped out of the labor force since Obama took office. A little over 11 million. Eliminating that 11 million from the labor force is the exact reason that the calculated unemployment rate has declined. The unemployment rate is a deceitful statistic, not the truth. That 11 million is the number people who became dependent on Government support in one of many forms since Obama's inauguration. I'm not sure Obama really addressed that issue other than to say that he would set up some kind of task force to try and coerce companies who are currently cutting jobs by the thousands to replace them with the untrained people who haven't worked in a couple years. Sorry, that program will fail as badly as Obamacare has failed.
Speaking of which, anyone not asleep happen to catch Obama's order to Congress to fast track the latest global trade Bill - the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement? He of course cloaked this trade agreement in promises of more jobs for Americans and a great deal for our economy. But once again it's well-crafted Obama-speak for: "bend over America, here comes another big lie." The ensured passage of this deal has been heavily funded by the corporations who will benefit the most from it. You can read the sordid details and facts
HERE and
HERE. The reason Obama wants to jam this through is that his corporate overlords don't want pain in the ass Congressmen diluting the massive wealth transfer from the middle class to the big corporations by attaching pork and earmarks. It will also cost big business a lot more in political graft if they have to plunk a lot money into campaign coffers other than Obama's (yes, they are still contributing because he gets to keep any money in the campaign account that's not spent while in office - Clinton passed that law).
One of the most troubling aspects of that TPP deal is that it will enable the Too Big To Fail banks that were bailed out by Obama using taxpayer money to largely get around the financial regulations that were imposed by the Dodd Frank legislation and the so-called "Volker Rule." Obama made a big production out of specifically telling the country a few weeks ago that our financial system is "safe" now. Of course, like everything else he says, it's a complete lie.
Finally, Obama offered a nicely promoted plan to help the little guy not covered by a corporate or fat Government retirement plan to start his own tax-deferred savings account. This plan is more comical than Saturday Night Live at its best in the late 1970's. Actually, it's an outright appallingly pathetic proposal. First, 76% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck. The "little" guy doesn't have any money left over after buying food and paying for heating to put into savings - especially after his health insurance costs were doubled by Obamacare.
Even worse, the little guy, to the extent he might have some extra money left over for savings, is forced by Obama to buy Treasury bonds. He doesn't get the investment choices offered to everyone lucky enough to work for a big corporation or the Government. Who the heck wants to invest in Treasury bonds? After inflation, the return on Treasury bonds is negative. It's really a way to shift even more of the Government debt burden onto to the backs of the middle class.
As IF all of the above isn't enough, Obama's biggest promise is that he's going to take the Government into his own hands if Congress doesn't do what he wants them to do. I remember very vividly when Obama was engaging in campaign debates with his opponent in 2008 that he promised vehemently to get rid of earmarks and not use Executive Orders. Well, it turns out, Obama likes Executive Orders and he wants to keep Executive Orders. Rest assured, unless the White House cuts Congress in on all of the big corporate graft being passed out liberally, we are going to see Obama transform the Executive Branch of Government into essentially a dictatorship.
In blowing away the rhythmically delivered smoke from Obama's teleprompter delivered speech last night, you can see that it was a carefully and methodically crafted bundle of lies and deceit. The truth is, and this is the truth that even his marginally supportive constituents refuse to look at, is that Obama is probably the most insidiously deceitful President in the history of the country. He heralded himself as the Great Savior of the middle class and Constitutional Government. Ironically, he'll go down in history as the guy who led the U.S. into the abyss of totalitarianism and economic demise.
Other than all that, Mrs. Lincoln, did you enjoy "Our American Cousin?"