Nice try Lloyd "I am the real Jesus" Blankfein. Next time you announce your earnings, make sure you bring plenty of lube for everyone who is willing to bend over and believe what you have to say. I know that at least Steve Liesman is buyin' it.
Goldman's earnings were ushered in with great fanfare on Bubblevision TV (CNBC and Bloomberg). And of course this is based solely on looking at the net income number, which blew away estimates and expectations. Of course, as per usual, there is a much different story to tell if you examine the bowels of a financial statement, especially bank financial statements. So I took out my "Greg House" marker pen and board and took a look at Goldman's 8-K SEC filing, which contains an expanded version of the press release that the monkeys on CNBC regurgitate.
The bottom line is that a substantial portion of Goldman's net income for Q4 '09 appears to have been derived from marking up illiquid positions sitting in its Fixed Income operations and is not attributable to the interest rate and currencies segment of FICC, which means the numbers came from fixed income products like mortgage and asset-backed securities.
I'm going to summarize and analyze some of the details from the 8-K, but the link to it is here:
GS 8-K.
Most of Goldman's revenues (66%) come from its "Trading and Principal Investments." In Q4 '09 Goldman reported $6.4 billion in net revenues for TPI vs. negative net revenues of $4.4 billion in Q4 '08. The negative number is based on the massive write-downs Goldman took at the end of the year last year (remember those huge markdowns Wall Street took?), before Tim Geithner funnelled billions of taxpayer dollars to monetize a lot of these catastrophic "Principal" bets.
Specifically, the big bump in revenues came from Goldman's "Fixed Income, Commodities and Currencies" segment within its TPI Division. Regarding the Q4 '09 results, Goldman states: "The increase in net revenues [in 2009] compared with the fourth quarter of 2008 reflected significantly improved results in credit products and mortgages." Translation: "the FASB and SEC extended the timeframe and framework by which we can mark up to fantasy all of the remaining positions that Tim Geithner has not yet monetized."
They specifically cite "credit products and mortgages," which means most of the revenue bump this quarter came from the kind of garbage that buried Lehman and Bear. How do I know this? Because they explain in the 8-K with respect to the FICC business: "Net revenues in interest rate products and currencies were significantly lower [in Q4 '09] compared with the fourth quarter of 2008, while net revenues in commodities were essentially unchanged." This means that most of the revenue differential in the FICC segment, which represents close to 40% of Goldman's total revenues for the quarter, came from fixed income products AND most of that revenue is likely can be attributed to mark-to-fantasy accounting.
Just to mention Goldman's other operating segments: Asset Management revenues were 10% lower in Q4 '09 vs. Q4 '08 and Investment Banking revenues were up 58% in Q4 '09 vs. Q4 '08 - but IB represents a mere 11% of Goldman's revenue base. The 600 pound gorilla is the FICC segment of Goldman's operations and that's where the proverbial canary in the coal mine is caged up.
Of course, we have to wait until Goldman files its 2009 10-K to see the most recent balance sheet and cash flow statement,. And since it's a 10-K, they have 90 days to file it. By then everyone who participates in the financial markets will be on to the next crisis and forget to look at the entrails buried in the Goldman 10-K in order to get a slighly better idea just how accurate my analysis is. Until then, unless Goldman is willing to lift its skirt and show the world why I am wrong, we can assume that Goldman's profits are no more real than than the fiat paper used to buy Blankfein's next Mercedes.